After Ephesus Teaching on God's Transcendence Grid – Sept. 2024 version
Legend for Cells |
G1. There is only One True God Mk 12:29; Jms 2:19 |
G11. Majesty/glory of God Ps 19:1; Zech2:5; Jn2:14;17:5 |
W = Wrote explicitly on this teaching |
G2. God is almighty/omnipotent Lk1:37;Rv1:8;Jr32:17 |
G12. God is a Jealous God Ex 20:5; Dt 6:15; Josh 24:19 |
I = Implied this is true or opposite is false |
G3. God loves us and/or is kind Ps 145:13,17; 1 Jn 3:1 |
G13. God is uncreated. (Implied) Gen 1:1; Jn 1:1,3; Tt 1:2 |
N = Implied since accepted Nicene Creed |
G4. God is holy, good, or pure 1 Pet1:17;2:23; Hab1:13 |
G14. God is Light. Jn 1:4-9; 8:12; 2 Cor 4:6; 1 Jn 1:5 |
m = Mixed: some agree, others did not |
G5. God does not speak lies/is Truth.Hb6:18;Nm 23:19 |
G15. The God of Jesus/Christ Eph1:3,17;1Pet1:3;Heb1:9 |
P = partial -i.e. G7:Mt 28:19 has 1 name |
G6. God is a Father Mt 6:9; Mk14:36; Lk10:22-23; Jn15:26 |
G16. Most High God Ps 91:1; Dan 3:26; Mk 5:7; Lk 1:32,35 |
- = no reference found |
G7. Mention of the Trinity: 1 God in 3 (partial) Mt 28:19 |
G17. The Godhead Acts 17:29; Rom 1:20; Col 2:9 |
X = Disagree |
G8. God knows all / even the secret things Ps 139:16 |
G18. The Living God Dt 5:26; Ps 42:2; Hos 1:10; Mt 16:26 |
blank = not researched yet |
G9. God is everywhere Ps 139:7-10 |
G19. God is invisible Col 1:15; 1 Tim 1:17 |
G10. God does not change Jms 1:17; Mal 3:6 |
G20. God is inscrutable/unsearchable. Jb5:9;Rm11:33 |
Writer totals include W’s & I’s but not P’s |
Rows: blue=Bible manuscript, white=Christian writer, khaki=spurious, green=heresy, orange=schism, pink=strange writer, yellow=foreign missions, red=Christians persecuted, brown=Christians persecuting
Christian writer, heretic, or Bible manuscript |
Pages |
Date A.D. |
G1 |
G2 |
G3 |
G4 |
G5 |
G6 |
G7 |
G8 |
G9 |
G10 |
G11 |
G12 |
G13 |
G14 |
G15 |
G16 |
G17 |
G18 |
G19 |
G20 |
Council of Ephesus (200 bishops) against Pelagius & all who were not against Nestorius |
20 |
Jun-Sep 431 |
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W |
W |
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W |
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W |
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Philip of Side, Pamphylia (historian) |
405-after 431 |
Celestine of Rome to the Council of Ephesus |
1 ¾ |
431-432 |
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The Didascalia (refers to Nestorians) |
70 |
after 432 |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
Paul of Emesa |
after 432 |
Philostorgius, extreme Arian historian |
Vincent of Lerins A Commonitory |
26 |
c.434 |
- |
W |
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- |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
Isidore of Pelusium (2,000 extant letters) |
c.435 |
Acacius of Beroea |
c.430-c.436 |
Socrates of Constantin. Ecclesiastical History |
178 |
c.400-439 |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
1st Council of Orange (17 bishops) |
Nov 8, 441 |
Syriac Peshitta (Mt-1 Pet) |
442- |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
P |
- |
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W |
W |
- |
I |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
Synod of Arles |
443 |
Cyril of Alexandria |
444 |
Arsenius of Anachoreta |
445 |
Theodore of Ancyra |
445 |
Proclus of Constantinople |
446 |
Sechnall of Ireland. Hymn to St. Patrick |
439-447/448 |
W |
Persian king Yazdegerd II persecutes Christians |
448 |
Massacres Christians in Kirkuk, modern-day Iraq |
Valerian of Cimiez (for Hilary of A. vs. Leo I) |
442-449 |
2nd Council of Ephesus (Robbers' Council) |
449 |
Flavian of Constantinople |
449 |
Armenian Synod of Artisat |
449 |
Eucherius of Lyons (friend of John Cassian) |
c.434-ca.449 |
Persians attack Armenians and Georgians |
449 |
Armenians and Georgians revolt after Yazdirg II tries to impose Zoroastrianism. |
Peter Chrysologus of Ravenna, Italy (vol.3 only) |
179 |
c.433-c.450 |
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W |
W |
W |
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W |
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W |
W |
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- |
Salvian the presbyter from Marseilles On the Government of God |
440-450 |
Possidus of Calama |
450 |
Victor of Antioch |
425-450 |
Marius Mercator (Latin) |
450 |
Agroecius bishop of Sen, Gaul |
c.450 |
p14 1 Cor 10:3; p93 Jn 13 |
450 |
p127 Acts 10:32-35,40-45;11:2-5;11:30-12:3,5,7-9;15:29-30,34-41;16:1-4, 3-40,17:1-10 |
450 |
Alexandrinus (Mt 25:7-Rev with gaps in Jn,Rm,2Cor) |
c.450 |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
P |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
Ephraemi Rescriptus (C) (=04) |
5th century |
I |
5th century |
Q |
5th century |
T |
5th century |
Curetonian Old Syriac (Mt, etc.) |
5th century |
048, 062, 068, 069, 0163, 0165, 0172, 0175, 0182 |
5th century |
0201, 0216, 0217, 0218, 0227, 0238, 0240, 0254, 0261, 0274, 0301 |
5th century |
Council of Chalcedon vs. Monophysites |
18 |
451 |
W |
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W |
N |
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W |
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W |
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Oecumenius of Isauria |
5th century |
Julianus Pomerius |
5th century |
Nestorius’ Bazaar of Heracleides |
c.128 |
451/452 |
- |
W |
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W |
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W |
W |
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- |
P |
Quodvultdeus |
453 |
Julian of Eclanum, Italy (Pelagian) |
c.454 |
Bezae Cantabrigiensis (D) (Gospels & Acts) Mt 1:21-5:19; 5:21-29;;5:31-6:19; 9:3-33; 9:35-17:37a; 10:38-41a; 410:42-21:43; 21:45-23:13; 23:15-27:1; 27:13,27:15-28:20; all of Mark except 15:28; All of Luke; All of John except Jn 5:4. Some of Acts and 3 John |
c.455 |
Theodoret of Cyrus (bishop & historian) |
318 |
423-458 |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
Many Christians killed in Persia, Armenia |
420-460 |
After Bishop Abdas burned a Zoroastrian temple, Christian churches burned. |
Isaac of Antioch (Monoph. or Orthodox?) |
451-460 |
Arnobius the Younger of Gaul |
c.460 |
Patrick of Ireland (English missionary to Irish) |
15 |
420-461 |
W |
W |
W |
Pope Leo I of Rome (turned back Attila) |
204 |
440-461 |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
Prosper of Aquitaine (foe of Cassian) -partial |
c.12 |
426-465 |
W |
- |
W |
- |
W |
Hidatius/Igacius of Gallaecia (Portugal) |
c.401-c.469 |
Sharahb’il Yakuf kills Ethiopian Christians |
c.472 |
Christian missionary Azqir among those killed. |
Moses of Chorene/Khorenatsi History of Armenia |
474,461-491 |
Varimadum |
445/480 |
What has been called the Athanasian Creed |
1 |
447/484 |
W |
W |
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W |
W |
- |
- |
- |
Vigilius of Africa and Thrace |
after 484 |
Arians persecute Christians in Algeria |
484 |
Arian Visigoth Hunneric persecutes Orthodox Christians in Tipasa, Algeria. |
Victor of Vita, Africa |
after 489 |
Gennadius/Jerome Lives of Illustrious Men |
41 |
480-495 |
Local Synod of Constantinople |
499 |
Condemns Diodore as Nestorian |
Life of Abercius |
300-500 |
Liber Chroniconum (includes Commentary on Origen’s Hexameron) |
375-500 |
Ephraemi Rescriptus |
400-500 |
Faustus of Riez |
490/500 |
Andreas Caesariensis (historian) |
c.500 |
pseudo-Gregory Thaumaturgus (Monophysite) |
-c.500 |
Eugenius of Carthage (quotes 1 Jn 5:7) |
c.505 |
Armenian Apostolic Church 1st Council of Dvin 20 bishops, 14 laymen, and various rulers |
506 |
Philoxenian Syriac |
507/508 |
Monophysite Synod of Tyre rejects Chalcedon |
513-515 |
Ruricus/Ruricius I of Limoges |
ca.485-c.510 |
Roman pope excommunicates Acacius/east churches |
484-518 |
Ennodus |
ca.473-521 |
Jacob of Serug/Sarug (Mar Jacob) (partial) |
9 |
519-521 |
W |
Arians persecute Christians in N. Africa |
499-523 |
Visigoth Thrasimund persecutes Orthodox in Carthage & north Africa until he died. |
Dhu Nuwas (=Yusuf As'ar) kills C's in Yemen |
523-524 |
Converted Jewish king persecutes Christians, since Byzantines persecute Jews |
Barsanuphius of Palestine |
c.525 |
Boethius |
-ca.524/527 |
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite |
c.485-c.528 |
Council of Orange |
529 |
Boniface II Letter to Caesarius of Arles |
530-532 |
Fulgentius of Ruspe, North Africa |
507-532/533 |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
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W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
Severus of Antioch (Monophysite) |
c.491-538 |
Benedict of Nursia Rule of St. Benedict |
ca.480-540 |
Caesarius of Arles, pupil of Julianus |
469-470-540 |
Ferrancus deacon of Carthage |
c.546/547 |
Julian of Halicarnassus starts the Phantasiastes sect |
527-549 |
Phantasiastes split from Monophysites, saying the Christ's body was incorruptible |
Evagrius Scholasticus, church historian |
593 |
Mark the Hermit of Tarsus |
6th century |
Leontius of Byzantium |
543/550 |
Apringius of Beja, Portugal, Comm. on Rev. |
after 551 |
Primasius Comm. on the Apocalypse |
after 552 |
Council of Constantinople II (c.153 present) condemns Nestorius, Origen & admirers |
13 |
553 |
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W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
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W |
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Vigilius’ letter to Constantinople II Council |
2 |
553 |
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W |
N |
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- |
7th Persian Synod |
554 |
Creates metropolitans for Merv and Rewardashir |
Armenian Apostolic Church 2nd Council of Dvin. Rejected Chalcedon |
554 |
Paschasius of Dumiun |
c.13 |
555 |
Cyril of Scythopolis, Palestine (monk) |
543-558/559 |
Victor of Tunis |
after 566 |
Gildas the Wise of Rhuys (England & Ireland) |
c.570 |
Facundus of Hermiane, north Africa |
after 571 |
Byzantines persecute Egyptian Copts |
527-568, 572 |
Copts are Monophysites; teaching Jesus’ humanity & divinity are only one nature. |
Martin of Braga, Spain |
c.24 |
550-577 |
M. Aurelius Cassiodorus Commentary on Psalms |
-560/580 |
W |
Monophy. John of Ephesus (tortured pagans) |
c.507-c.586 |
Columba of Iona, Scotland (poetry in Latin) |
ca.597 |
Leander of Seville, Spain |
c.13 |
579-600 |
Gregory of Rome, Doctor of the Church (partial) |
239 ½ |
590-605 |
W |
Eulogius of Alexandria |
607 |
Venantius’ Poem on Easter |
1 ½ |
lived c.530-609 |
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W |
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W |
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W |
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Armenian Apostolic Church 3rd Council of Dvin |
609-610 |
Antiochus Mar Saba |
614 |
Harclean Syriac (Harklensis) (SyrH) |
616 |
Second Synod of Seville, Spain |
618/619 |
Gospel of pseudo-Matthew |
15 |
600-625 |
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W |
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W |
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W |
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Babai the Nestorian On the Union |
died ca.628 |
Jews persecuted in Constantinople |
628 |
Jews forced to convert in Constantinople |
4th Council of Toledo, Spain |
Dec. 633 |
Muslim Jihads against non-Muslims |
634- |
Muslims invaded Syria to France, Persia to India |
Isidore of Seville, scholar Etymologiae |
601-636 |
Monothelite-leaning Pope Honorius of Rome |
625-638 |
Anathematized as a heretic by 3rd Council of Constantinople in 680. |
Sahdone/Sahdona (=Martyrius) (On Psalms) |
c.635-640 |
Andreas |
7th century |
pseudo-Athanasius |
7th century |
Constantine of Mananalis, started Paulicans |
mid 7th cent. |
Also called Euchites, they were ascetic, vegetarian Gnostics |
Peshita (SyrP) |
600/650 |
p31, p34, 096, 097, 098, 099, 0102, 0106/0119, 0107, 0108, 0109, 0111, 0145, 0167, 0183, 0204, 0209, 0210, 0239, 0262, 0275 |
7th century |
0303 |
7th century? |
Braulio of Saragossa Life of St. Aemilianus |
631-651 |
John Climacus (John of the Ladder) |
before 670 |
Monothelites |
633-680 |
Pope Agatho to the 3rd Council of Constant. |
6.5 |
Nov 15, 680 |
3rd Council of Constantinople (6th ecumenical) |
8 |
680-681 |
John of Nikiu: Copt historian. Islam was God’s punishment against Chalcedonians |
c.680-690 |
Isaac of Nineveh (=the Syrian) (Nestorian) ascetic wrote on the inner life |
c.700/7th century |
Avenging of the Savior (Legend of Veronica) |
4 |
7/8th century |
Anastasius of Antioch |
700 |
Buddhist Empress Wu Zetian persecutes Nestorians |
698-705 |
Burned Nestorian churches and monasteries in China |
Judaism outlawed in Constantinople |
722 |
Judaism illegal in the capital |
Bede the Venerable, English historian. Finished translating John on his deathbed in 735. |
731-735 |
Andrew of Crete, hymn writer, He was the first to claim Luke draw a secret picture of Jesus. |
712-726/740 |
John of Damascus (defender of icons & relics) |
706-749 |